Health Report in Collaboration with Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital > PRcenter_(영) | 렉스소프트
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Health Report in Collaboration with Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital
Writer : 최고관리자
Date : 23-08-10 12:38
Hit : 475


RexSoft and Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital provide solutions aimed at a healthier life by predicting overall health age using AI-based data. They also forecast the probability of major diseases, life expectancy, health age, and other detailed metrics. 

상호 : 렉스소프트(주) / 대표전화 : 070-5001-3939 
주소 : 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 연구공원 222호(본사), 223호 (기업부설연구소)
사업자등록번호 : 494-81-01071 / 통신판매업 신고 : 제2019-서울관악-0006호
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