RexSoft Participates in 5th Spring Academic Conference of the 2023 Korean Health Examination Association > PRcenter_(영) | 렉스소프트
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RexSoft Participates in 5th Spring Academic Conference of the 2023 Korean Health Examination Association
Writer : 최고관리자
Date : 23-08-10 14:41
Hit : 1,949

RexSoft Inc. attended the Health Examination Association on May 14, 2023, to promote health report, Miriwell, and MiriwellBiz services. 

RexSoft provided explanations to healthcare professionals and experts related to health examinations.

RexSoft launched the health management application, Miriwell, at the beginning of 2023. 

In the second half of 2023, they are promoting a marketing program related to health examination services targeting company employees as wellness services.

상호 : 렉스소프트(주) / 대표전화 : 070-5001-3939 
주소 : 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 연구공원 222호(본사), 223호 (기업부설연구소)
사업자등록번호 : 494-81-01071 / 통신판매업 신고 : 제2019-서울관악-0006호
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