RexSoft Collaborates with Daesang WellLife to Develop a 'Customized Health Management Platform' > PRcenter_(영) | 렉스소프트
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RexSoft Collaborates with Daesang WellLife to Develop a 'Customized Health Management Platform'
Writer : 최고관리자
Date : 23-08-10 14:38
Hit : 2,061


[Seoul Newsis, Reporter Kim Dong-hyun] On the 15th, DaeSang WellLife announced that it had signed a 2 billion won investment agreement with healthcare data science specialist company RexSoft on the 14th at its Jongno headquarters and will embark on the development of a 'customized health management platform'.

The signing ceremony was attended by Seo Hoon-gyo, CEO of DaeSang WellLife, and Won Sung-ho, CEO of RexSoft, along with their staff. With this investment as a starting point, both companies plan to continue close collaboration in the healthcare platform business to achieve co-growth.

DaeSang WellLife will work with RexSoft to develop a personalized disease prediction and health management solution app. RexSoft provides disease prediction and management services by analyzing individual health records.

In the upcoming 'customized health management platform', the plan is to implement services that predict the likelihood of disease occurrence and life expectancy based on health insurance corporation examination data and health-related surveys. The platform aims to launch in the first half of this year.

A DaeSang WellLife representative stated, "Through the development of the new platform with RexSoft, we plan to realize the company's philosophy of accompanying customers on their journey to a healthy life."

Reporter Kim Dong-hyun (

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